Monday, November 3, 2008

hobby and the most ridiculous cat

i need a hobby. as if i really had all the time right now to take up, yet, another passion to consume my sleeping hours. but, none the less, i'm finding my projects to be so mentally draining (i do like the work i am doing) that it would be nice to take up something where i can keep my hands busy but go into auto-pilot. like knitting. except even knitting is a little too much thinking sometimes...

this cat is a charm.


hdayton said...

check out polyvore. You will be hooked, and completely entertained. Plus- are you ready for this? Its Free.

Go Vote!

heidigoseek said...

are you trying to get on my good side?

lia said...

our new hobby can be pizza.

The Winns said...

The knitting looks great, the cat hmmm...I think you know how I feel about cats. By the way, call me or e-mail me!

micemilk said...

i'm so obsessed with googling baby animals these days. thank you for this post :)

Claire Bagley Hayes said...

I officially want you to knit me a kitten.